On 23.04.2008 20:56, Bruce Atherton wrote:

Here are some specifics, in case they are relevant. One heap analysis showed 1.5 Gigabytes of memory being held by the object at the end of this tree (package names suppressed to keep this readable):

 - ScriptableObject
   - FOM_Cocoon
     - FOM_Cocoon$CallContext
       - ConcreteTreeProcessor
         - InvokeContext
           - CachingProcessorPipeline
             - ArrayList
               - Object
                 - ComponentsSelector
                   - ComponentsSelector
                     - Collections$SynchronizedMap
                       - HashMap
                         - Array of HashMap$Entry
- HashMap$Entry (size including children = 1.5Gig)

How do I read this? I tried to reproduce it in the code but it does not make sense to me. FOM_Cocoon$CallContext has no reference to the ConcreteTreeProcessor or the other way around. Object can neither have a reference to ArrayList or ComponentsSelector. So what does it mean?

That HashMap$Entry object had the following child tree, each one a bit smaller than its parent. Only the largest child shown at each level:

 - HashMap$Entry (a different one)
   - TraxTransformer
     - TransformerHandlerImpl
       - SAXResult
         - JxTemplateTransformer
           - JxTemplateGenerator$TranformerAdapter$TemplateConsumer

After this there are two JxTemplateGenerators that split the size. The bigger one goes to FormsTemplateTransformer, CIncludeTransformer, and on and on into a long loop of JxTemplateGenerator$StartElement and JxTemplateGenerator$EndElement.

Do you run into the OOME just by one request or only after certain number of requests since the content is stored "somewhere"?

It seems to me that it should be possible to put a limiter on the transformers that says that if more than a certain volume of data is put through, an exception is thrown. I know that part of the page may have been rendered before the error page shows up, but I am fine with that. I'd be happy to limit each part of the pipeline to outputting no more than 10Meg.

Does it mean you want to flush the OutputStream after certain amount of data? What about [1] and [2]?


[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/COCOON-2168
[2] http://marc.info/?l=xml-cocoon-dev&m=120477640924395&w=4

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