2008/5/7 Derek Hohls <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Using Cocoon 2.1.8
> I have an app which has been working fine... up to now.
> I am now in a situation where:
> * the "plain" pages on the website (ie. not accessing the
> database) display just fine
> * I can access the database from a 3rd party tool (the
> MySQL Query Browser) without any problems
> BUT I am unable to retrieve any database data via the
> interface... the browser simply shows me its hourglass
> and there is no further response.  I have looked at the
> Cocoon log and the Tomcat log but even the URLs do
> not show up in these.

Are you sure Cocoon is actually managing to connect to the database?
You say "there is no further response" - how long are you waiting?
I'm not sure about the other database components, but certainly in the
case of the SQLTransformer if it can't get a connection it will (by
default) retry 5 times at 5 second intervals, so it could be 30
seconds before you actually get an error message returned.  And if
it's waiting on a TCP-level timout ConnectException (e.g. because the
port is blocked by a firewall and the packets are being dropped rather
than actually rejecting the connection) that could involve a 20 second
timeout in itself...
I'd have thought you'd still see something in Cocoon's errors.log or
handled-errors.log, though.
You say you can access the database okay yourself; is the application
running locally on the same machine, or is it deployed on some other

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