On 11.05.2008 20:19, shai200 wrote:

I'm using the following ImageReader component configuration:
        <map:readers default="resource">
          <map:reader name="image" src="org.apache.cocoon.reading.ImageReader"
logger="sitemap.reader.image" pool-max="32"/>

And the following pipelines:

<map:match pattern="img/*.jpg">
<map:read type="image"  src="resource/img/{1}.jpg" mime-type="image/jpeg" />
<map:match pattern="img/*.gif">
  <map:read type="image"  src="resource/img/{1}.gif" mime-type="image/gif"

And instead of showing me the image, it shows me the absolute path of the
image... This is very annoying. How do I fix this?

Can you try it with the standard ResourceReader? ImageReader is for transforming images rather than just passing them to the client (though it also should work).


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