2008/7/3 Andrew Chamberlain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi All,
> Simple question, I hope.  How do I find out which version of XSLT I've got?

Try using some XSLT 2-only features in a pipeline and see if you get a
stack trace instead? ;-)

>  My version of Cocoon is: 2.1.10, if it's related to that.
> Ultimately, I'd like to be using XSLT 2.0.

Short answer is it depends :-)  The default XSL transformer in the
sample web app uses Xalan, which is XSLT 1.something, so that's
probably what you're using.  But you can change the configuration in
the cocoon.xconf to make it use Saxon instead, which supports 2.0 (or
just set up a second XSL transformer for Saxon and use whichever one
you need in any given pipeline).

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