
My cocoon webapp connects to a JBoss application running in a different JVM and calls the remote interfaces of SessionBeans via a JNDI lookup. I kept getting ClassNotFoundExceptions on my business objects as well as standard JBoss objects.

This made sense since the objects returned by the app were unknown to my cocoon block. So I tried to set up the dependencies[1] in my POM but I could not make it work. I noticed that when I started the app with `mvn jetty:run` that there was no mention of my jars nor those of JBoss being added to WEB-INF/lib.

As a hack I copied all the jars from:




and it worked. But isn't there a cleaner way to do this with dependencies? How do I tell the cocoon-maven-plugin about other jar files I want to add to WEB-INF/lib?

Thanks in advance.


PS: I'm using:
 - cocoon-core 2.2.0-RC2
 - maven-jetty-plugin 6.1.5
 - cocoon-maven-plugin 1.0.0-M2
 - maven-jar-plugin 2.1
 - JBoss 4.2.2.GA

[1] My attempt at getting the dependencies right:

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