Hmmm, that seems strange to me.  Note that I really just the <script> tag, 
which is part of the *.jx page, to just passed through as is and become part of 
the html page to be returned.  I don't want the actuall javascript file to 
become part of the returned page.  I didn't expect to have to create a match 
for the src attribute of my script tag.

e.g. I may have a myPage.jx file with the following tag:

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/myPageScript.js>

For this case, do I need a match in my sitemap for myPageScript.js?

On Tuesday, October 07, 2008, at 01:49PM, "Jasha Joachimsthal" <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> wrote:
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Jeff Schmitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Tue 10/7/2008 17:32
>Subject: Re: javascript embedded in *.jx files
>> > Really, external scripts aren't working for you?  Why not?
>> I think the main reason was I couldn't figure out how to  correctly point to 
>> where the script was.  I kept getting file not found errors in the output.
>Is there a matcher in your sitemap for the javascript file. Something like
><map:match pattern="*.js"> <!-- request for myscript.js or myscript1.js -->
><map:read src="js/{1}.js"/> <!-- actual script is located inside the js 
>directory -->
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