On 10.10.2008, at 10:48, Derek Hohls wrote:

Using Cocoon 2.1.8

I am displaying data from a database that, in theory, contains
URL links to files on the local server. Occasionally, for various reasons,
the files are not available.  At the moment, Cocoon returns an
informative - but ugly - error page:

Resource not found
java.io.FileNotFoundException: [path to missing file] (The system cannot find the file specified)
Cocoon stacktrace[hide]
Error during resolving of the input stream file: [...]myapp/ sitemap.xmap - 335:73 <map:read>
file: [...]myapp/sitemap.xmap - 887:66 <map:mount>

Is there a way I can "trap" this error and display a custom page
with a more friendly message?

This is possible with error handling [1].


[1] http://cocoon.apache.org/2.1/userdocs/concepts/errorhandling.html

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