On 14.11.2008 04:26, Palol Carlos wrote:

I'm trying to query a Daisy 2.2 repository from a Lenya 2 website (Cocoon 2.1)

So i have XML documents like this:

    SELECT name WHERE InCollection('xyz')

And would like to query that repository through HTTP API, like this:

http://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/repositoryquery?q=SELECT+name+WHERE InCollection%28%27xyz%27%29
which returns an XML result.

What i would like to do (in the pipeline) is:

1. Read de XML "query" text node.
2. Escape the string, create de full url in an action, XSLT or else.
3. Generate (file generator) using the full url.
4. Transform, etc

I can't find a simple way to take content to de sitemap. Is it necessary to use an action and access the document from it?

Hi Carlos,

There is no direct access to the content in the sitemap as you describe it. Also you would need 2 generators in a pipeline what's not possible (first one querying the repository, second one reading the file).

You need a 2-pipeline setup. In the main pipeline you query the repository, transform the result adding an xinclude "directive" (an element in the xinclude namespace) to it, run the xinclude transformer and maybe some post transformations. The "included" document (even it will replace the original XML from the query completely) will be created from a sub-request to Cocoon (cocoon:/-protocol), i.e. second pipeline. Here you have again the free choice about what to do.

Hope this helps,

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