Thanks for sharing your observations. This might be related to a problem we are currently facing.

The use of the cocoon: protocol has several other pros additional to error stack:
- caching
- map:generate in caller and map:serialize in callee will be optimized and the SAX stream is passed on [1]


[1] and search for "event pipeline"

On 13.05.2009, at 17:40, Will Sheppard wrote:

We have a sitemap where a calls b, which calls c, which calls d (see below). The reason it's set up like this is so we can view each stage on its own, to facilitate development and debugging.

We were noticing massive memory leakage. If the a/*/* pipeline was hit 200 times, the memory usage would shoot up to 200Mb and never come down, even after garbage collection had run.

After we replaced all the ‘cocoon:’ protocol calls with 'http://localhost/path/to/cocoon' , the memory leak disappeared. No matter how many times or how fast the pipeline was hit, memory usage would always come down just before it reached 100Mb. It would stabilise at around 40-50Mb after garbage collection. We only made that one change to the sitemap.

But we'd really like to use the cocoon: protocol, so that the error stack is followed properly upon errors (among other reasons). When using the 'localhost' method, the stack trace stops at the last URL accessed.

Has anyone encountered an issue like this memory leak, or knows of a solution?

We are using Cocoon 2.2 under JBoss 4.2.2 on 64-bit Linux.
Original sitemap follows. Filenames, etc. have been changed.

<map:match pattern="a/*/*">
    <map:generate src="cocoon:/b/{1}/{2}" />
    <map:transform src="r/x.xsl" type="saxon" />
    <map:serialize type="xml" />

<map:match pattern="b/*/*">
    <map:generate src="cocoon:/c/{1}/{2}" />
    <map:transform type="sql">
        <map:parameter name="use-connection" value="r" />
    <map:serialize type="xml" />

<map:match pattern="c/*/*">
    <map:act type="request">
        <map:parameter name="parameters" value="true"/>
        <map:generate src="cocoon:/d/{../1}" />
        <map:transform src="r/y.xsl" type="saxon"/>
        <map:transform type="cinclude" />
        <map:transform src="r/z.xsl" type="saxon"/>
    <map:serialize type="xml" />

<map:match pattern="d/*">
    <map:generate src="r/t.xml" />
    <map:transform src="r/s.xsl" type="saxon">
        <map:parameter name="resource" value="{1}" />
    <map:serialize type="xml" />

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