If you do not have any matcher in your sitemap matching "xslt2-test" then the 
ResourceNotFoundException is... correct.
Maybe the context-root of your Web application is not "xslt2-test" ?


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Jinks [mailto:michael.ji...@gmail.com] 
Sent: jeudi, 23. juillet 2009 18:55
To: Steven D. Majewski; users@cocoon.apache.org
Subject: Re: clueless newbie attempting Saxon, xslt2

On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 11:12 AM, Steven D. Majewski<sd...@virginia.edu> wrote:
> If you followed the instructions on that page literally, then the saxon
> transformer is going to be named "saxon" , not "xslt2" :

In my top-level sitemap.xmap, I had this clause (literally lifted from
the instructions I found):

    <map:transformer name="saxon" pool-grow="2" pool-max="32" pool-min="8"

I've now added this, which is a copy except for the "name" field,
which matches what my user gave me:

    <map:transformer name="xslt2" pool-grow="2" pool-max="32"
pool-min="8" src="org.apache.cocoon.transformation.TraxTransformer">

I also undid my global search and replace of the (name="xslt2") in the
users's sitemap.xmap.

That appears to make things worse.  Now, when I try to browse to the
test copy of their data (in a directory called "xslt2-test" at the
cocoon root), I get:

   Resource not found

   org.apache.cocoon.ResourceNotFoundException: No pipeline matched
request: xslt2-test/
   <map:mount> - context://sitemap.xmap - 1073:92

> But since the user is using "xslt2", you should probably double check that
> saxon isn't defined
> under that name somewhere else. ( Maybe in the top level sitemap ? Or maybe
> in the top level
> sitemap on that user's test copy ? )

How would I know?  What should I be searching for?

Earlier I did a find/grep over the whole Cocoon directory, and the
only instance of the string "xslt2" was in the user's sitemap.xmap,
and always in the form I quoted, (type="xslt2") within a
<map:pipeline> clause.  Does that rule out a conflict elsewhere?

> It's likely that your global search and replace of xslt just made things
> worse.

(Repeating myself from above but just to be clear, I've undone that
now, and the user's sitemap.xmap is back to its original content.)

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