disabled everything from the rcl.properties, clean and run and now everything 
works perfectly.Thanks Robby!!!!!!!could you please explain what was the 
problem? how does rcl.properties causes the problem?Thanks again!Ali

Subject: RE: Cocoon 2.2 + openjpa
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2010 10:41:24 +0200
From: robby.pelss...@ciber.com
To: users@cocoon.apache.org

You might want to disable everything from the rcl.properties file.  I had 
similar issues in the past and that
helped fixing the classloader issue.




From: Ali Mahdoui [mailto:mahd...@hotmail.de] 

Sent: Friday, June 11, 2010 10:22

To: Cocoon users

Subject: RE: Cocoon 2.2 + openjpa


I have all that configured. The problem when i call fom some class this code

BeanClass bean = manager.find(BeanClass.class, id);

i get always the exception that BeanClass can not be cast to BeanClass....

After some debug jobs if found that the ClassLoader of the entitiyManagerFactory
is another as the one of my calling class

and because of that i become the exception.

I am wondering if there is some spring configuration properties which schold be
set, such that the entityManager uses another classLoader (for example the one
of the calling block...)

Thanks for any help


Subject: RE: Cocoon 2.2 + openjpa

Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2010 09:24:12 +0200

From: robby.pelss...@ciber.com

To: users@cocoon.apache.org

say… who cares if you’re using Cocoon2.2?


start using openJPA as you would for any other
java project…


the needed dependencies to  your pom. 

configuring some beans in your block-application-context.xml

your pojo’s and annotate them

flowscript do the work you need to do by 


var mybean =  cocoon.getComponent(“mybean”);







Ali Mahdoui [mailto:mahd...@hotmail.de] 

Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2010
11:24 PM

To: Cocoon users

Subject: Cocoon 2.2 + openjpa



is there any tutorial or example how to use
openjpa with cocoon 2.2?




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