Dunno where your parameters come from but have a look at 
You have to URLEncode (if not already done) your parameters when building a 
URL, so maybe try <map:generate src="{global:solrhost}{url-encode: 
{1}}&amp;start=0{global:solrparams}"/> ?
So you will not rely on auto-magic translations from http servers, proxies, 
browsers, ...


From: Nathaniel Grove [mailto:nd...@virginia.edu] 
Sent: lundi, 28. juin 2010 16:28
To: users@cocoon.apache.org
Subject: Cocoon Source URLs and Unicode on WAMP Localhost


I am using Cocoon 2.1.11 as a webapp in Tomcat on my windows 7 localhost WAMP 
server. The Cocoon app, which displays a catalog of Tibetan texts, interfaces 
with another webapp, a Solr/Lucene instance, for searching. When a search call 
comes into Cocoon, Cocoon calls SOLR to generate an XML document that is then 
processed through Cocoon and displayed. The pipeline use is:

            <map:match pattern="search/*">
                <map:transform src="xsl/search-processing.xsl"/>
                <map:transform src="xsl/search-results.xsl">
                    <map:parameter name="new" value="yes"/>
                    <map:parameter name="start" value="0"/>
                <map:serialize type="html" />

When I run this on our server it works fine, but when I run it locally on my 
localhost, Cocoon responds with "java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP 
response code: 400" when Unicode Tibetan is passed in the parameter (*,{1}), 
but returns Server returned HTTP response code: 505 for URLwhen transliteration 
in Roman characters are used.. In looking at the log, the problem with the 
Tibetan is that SOLR is only receiving questions marks "?????" so it appears 
the Unicode is getting garbled by cocoon. In both cases, if I copy the URL from 
the Cocoon error page and paste it into the browser, it brings up the XML 
results of the search from SOLR.

The connection between Cocoon and Solr works on our Linux server, but doesn't 
work on my localhost, which is a pain for development purposes. I have set the 
encoding to UTF-8 for both the HTML and XML serializers in the sitemap 
document, but this has not helped. Any suggestions?


Than Grove

Nathaniel Grove
Research Associate & Technical Director
Tibetan & Himalayan Library
University of Virginia


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