
Le 22/12/2010 11:05, Peter Flynn a écrit :
> On 17/12/10 08:43, Johan Cwiklinski wrote:
>> Hello,
> [...]
>> Here is our configuration:
> [...]
>> Hope that could help you :)
> Thanks very much, that did it. It was unclear from the docs where you

Cool :)

> put the name of the .jar file ("saxon9") and where you just put the name
> "saxon".
> One thing that switching to Saxon has done is reveal the holes in my
> XSLT :-)
> a. If a URI call to Cocoon to retrieve a web page through a Tidy
> pipeline (to make it XML) returns an empty file (really null, not even
> an empty root element), Xalan treats the statement
>    <xsl:variable name="foo" select="document($uri)"/>

I always use the doc-available($uri) function so I can print $uri using
xsl:message if there is an error:
  <xsl:when test="doc-available($uri)">
    <xsl:variable name="foo" select="document($uri)"/>
    <!-- Some stuff -->
    <xsl:message>Unable to load: <xsl:value-of select="$uri"/></xsl:message>

> as a non-event, and $foo is unset (that is, a binary test for if="$foo"
> returns false). Saxon, on the other hand, emits a Java error message
> about a null pointer; technically correct, except that it makes it
> untestable because the error occurs before the document() call
> completes, so its status is inaccessible in the XSLT.
> b. Any ambiguity in template selection (normally a recoverable warning
> if you run Saxon from the command line) returns the "Ambiguous..."
> message as an error. Is this configurable? (ie get Saxon to not pass an
> error status to Cocoon, but just log a warning, and continue recoverably
> as it does in commandline mode?).

I do not know.
When I've got ambiguity in template selection, I usually solve that in
the XSL file ;)

> Obviously writing better XSLT is the answer...I should have paid closer
> attention to Mike and Jeni's sessions on testing at the XML Summerschool...
> ///Peter

Johan Cwiklinski

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