Hi Andreas,

I know this is the wrong approach, I'd like nothing more than to throw the whole mess away and start again. The situation is something that has evolved over many years but I'm trying to make as much of it sane as possible while not breaking the existing functionality.

http://cocoon.apache.org/2.1/userdocs/cinclude-transformer.html doesn't explain how I'd set the User-Agent, does this happen automagically?

As I stated previously, the url is generated dynamically inside xslt1 as an xsl variable and the document call is made from the same xslt. the result being copied as
<dynamic><xsl:value-of select="document($url)" /></dynamic>

If I understand what you're saying, I need to modify xslt1 to generate a "<cinclude:include src="url"/>" instead, and then use cinclude to fill in the blanks. Am I correct?


On 02/12/2011 05:57 PM, kue...@trustable.de wrote:
Hi Alec,

the document() function is always a bad approach !
Try to use cocoon's own tools to aggregate the content. If it's a quasi-static 
content, use map:aggregate with two ore more map:parts. If you calculate the 
target of your call sdynamically, use the CInclude transformer.

We used these approaches for a heavy-load productuon system and see very good 
performance of the syetem.



----- original Nachricht --------

Betreff: Support&  Traxtransformers
Gesendet: Sa, 12. Feb 2011
Von: Alec Bickerton<alec.bicker...@net-m.ch>

We're running a number of sites using cocoon 2.1.9 and have problem with
the TraxTransformer.

We have some xslts that make use of document($url) to retrieve some data
from an external service. The problem is that some of these external
services require the useragent http-header to be propagated from the
original request, in order to provide a device specific result.

Having googled for what seems like days. I think this is possible to do
with a URIResolver. Can anyone here suggest a way to do it ?


request ->  generatorX ->  xslt1 ->  xslt2 ->  serialize

xslt1 matches a DSL element and calls document(
http://someservice/getscaledImageURLForUseragent )

The service is provided by a third party, and xslt1 cannot be changed.

Any help is much appreciated.


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