Hi Myles,

Op 3 mrt 2011, om 12:55 heeft Myles Byrne het volgende geschreven:

> Huib, I have to follow up your solution to my problem:
> your solution to call, 
>     <dependency>
> >             <groupId>org.apache.cocoon</groupId>
> >             <artifactId>cocoon-validation-impl</artifactId>
> >             <version>1.0.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
> >         </dependency>
> .. worked fine for a few days, and over a number of builds. Then suddenly 
> maven said it could not locate the validation impl snapshot. The validation 
> impl is in my local repo @ ~/.m2, but it is still not building. I have been 
> trying different repos, editing maven's settings.xml file, flushing the local 
> repo, but to no avail. 
> Are you pulling the dependency from the default repo, 
> http://repo2.maven.org/maven2/?
> Do you specify another repo for it anywhere?

A strange situation, it worked, now it doesn't work anymore. What changed? Is 
validation-impl the only jar that can't be found? Sounds like a 
maven/dependency-thing to me.

What I did was download the cocoon source code and use the build.sh script to 
install it into the local maven repo - "./build.sh install" like it says in the 
README. It did take some tweaking to get that to successfully complete 
unfortunately, it didn't work "out-of-the-box" for me. But once that hurdle had 
been taken, the validation-impl jar could be found. 
Hartelijke groet,

Drs. Huib Verweij
Senior software developer - The Language Archive
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
P.O. Box 310
6500 AH Nijmegen
The Netherlands
t +31-24-3521911
e huib.ver...@mpi.nl
w http://www.mpi.nl/

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