
you could use Auth:

I have used this with 2.2 and does seem to work fine.

One can test in flowscript whether or not a request is send while the session was expired/closed. Testing whether or not the session expired does not belong in the domain/business layer (IMHO). The test in flowscript is done before the request is forwarded to the business layer. If the session is expired, you simply redirect the request to a login page, so it never reaches the business layer.

best regards,

On 05/18/2011 05:45 PM, Paul Joseph wrote:
Hi there,

I have a Cocoon app that has numerous pages...I use Javascript
(flowscript) to do the display and Java to do the "business logic."

In the Java layer, I have code to detect when the session expires and
this works nicely and so I am able to maintain a count of currently
logged in users.

Here is my request: A customer asked that when their session expires,
that they be shown the login page automatically.

Now I know when the session expires, but how do I show the Login page
from within Java code? They could be anywhere in the app so I presume I
should directly have the Java code somehow display the Login page?

Pointers much appreciated.


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