
Apologies for any typos (and the previous incomplete message) - I'm sending
this on my phone in the middle of a forest :-)

I believe the relevant code was

<map:sitemap xmlns:map="http://apache.org/cocoon/sitemap/1.0";>
<map:transformer name="i18n"
<catalogue id="messages" name="msgs" location="cocoon:/translations" />
... (various closing tags)
<map:act type="session" /> (can't remember why this was present, or if it's
actually needed)
<map:match pattern="translations/msgs*.xml">
... stuff to generate catalogue entries for each language. In this case
there was a default generator reading a file (msgs.xml, msgs_en.xml,
msgs_de.xml, etc.) with the stored procedure call to fetch the tokens &
strings for each language, followed by a sql transformer, an xslt
transformer to convert to the catalogue xml format, and an xml serialiser.

Hope this helps,

On 11 Aug 2011 22:33, "Nathaniel Grove" <nd...@virginia.edu> wrote:

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