On 22/03/2012 17:03, Lars Huttar wrote:
> As so often happens, asking for help generated some further thoughts
> and I was able to get things working better.
> Although I had added a COB-INF/sitemap.xmap to src in my block
> (e-17-pub/src/main/resources/COB-INF/sitemap.xmap), I noticed that the
> target (e-17-pub/target/classes) did not have COB-INF/sitemap.xmap.
> I quit jetty, and ran "mvn jetty:run" again -- and now the test
> sitemap works.
> So apparently the problem was that my changes in the src tree were
> unnoticed.

Hi Lars,
I was finally able to understand your issue and I should also have
hopefully fixed :)

When developing a block, you will usually empower class reloading AND
sitemap reloading: default configuration shipped in
cocoon-archetype-block (hence in your mysite) was missing this latter
I have just committed a fix for this, so in the future such situations
will be avoided.

Anyway, all that you have to do for your project is to download [1] add
under mysite/rcl-config/WEB-INF: this file will enable - via
cocoon-spring-configurator - some features including sitemap reloading.

> The next question is, what is the best-practice way to develop? I
> don't think the intention is that every time I make a change, I'm
> supposed to stop and restart jetty in order to see my changes.
> Maybe I misunderstood this paragraph from Francesco:
>> Coming to you question above: when developing, you only need your
>> block - i.e. "mysite". Since cocoon blocks feature the reloading
>> plugin, just launch your block with "mvn jetty:run" and start playing
>> with mysite/src/main/resources/COB-INF/sitemap.xmap. All your changes
>> will be immediately available.
> Does this mean immediately after I restart jetty? Or immediately after
> I make changes? If the latter, what am I doing wrong, that I don't see
> this happening?

Hopefully now everything should be cleared, it's "immediately after I
make changes".




Francesco Chicchiriccò

Apache Cocoon PMC and Apache Syncope PPMC Member

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