On 26/03/2012 16:42, Lars Huttar wrote:
> I sent this email at the start of the weekend, so it may not have been
> seen much.
> However the NPE is blocking progress, so I'd like to see if anyone can
> help me with it.
> Anybody have ideas?

do you have any chance to share your project somewhere (github,
gitorius...) so that it would be much easier to take a look at it?

> After the difficulties of the last week or two, I'm starting to wonder
> if we'd be better off going back to Cocoon 2.1.11. A colleague asked
> me, why take the risk and time to move to Cocoon 3, when we have
> Cocoon 2.1.11 working well? I gave the standard "2.1.11 is several
> years old and will be increasingly unsupported" answer, but I had to
> admit that the decision was not looking as good now as it seemed last
> summer when C3 had a recent new alpha and even a beta candidate.
> Please don't take this as criticism of the Cocoon developers ... I
> have been continually impressed at the readiness of the committers to
> debug problems quickly and implement fixes. However I do wonder
> whether there is just too much debugging left, to reach a stable state
> in time for our work. Also I am concerned that since there doesn't
> seem to be a roadmap for feature freeze, there may be no point at
> which bugs will settle down so that a stable release can be completed.

Cocoon 3 is alpha state, but you are working on a SNAPSHOT release of
beta-1: this means that Cocoon 3.0 does not pretend - yet - to be
officially stable.

Despite of this, I can assure that my company and at least a couple of
other companies have several production applications based on Cocoon
3.0, so my suggestion would be "keep pushing" ;-)


> On 3/23/2012 3:08 PM, Lars Huttar wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm attempting to port our Cocoon 2.1.11 sitemap to C3, little by
>> little.
>> So far I have gotten a very simple pipeline to work:
>> <map:match pattern="test.html">
>> <map:read src="test.html" />
>> </map:match>
>> Hooray!
>> However when I get a little more complicated, I get an exception:
>> <!-- {map:1} = generator name, {map:2} = param, {map:3} = value -->
>> <map:match pattern="generator/*/*/*/source">
>> <map:generate src="generators/{map:1}.xml" />
>> <map:serialize type="xml"/>
>> </map:match>
>> The "{map:1}" used to be just "{1}", but from the c3 samples it looks
>> like we now should use "{map:1}". Fine.
>> But when I try to call this pipeline, using "" in the browser, I get
>> an empty response (status 200 OK, but zero bytes of content). And the
>> cocoon.log has the following error (shown with preceding context):
>> 2012-03-23 14:33:30,598 DEBUG 11202659@qtp-14536088-0
>> org.apache.cocoon.sitemap.node.MatchNode$MatcherContext - Matching:
>> expression=generator/*/*/*/source,
>> testValue=generator/languages-in-country/country_id/77/source,
>> result={3=77, 2=country_id, 1=languages-in-country,
>> 0=generator/languages-in-country/country_id/77/source}
>> 2012-03-23 14:33:30,598 DEBUG 11202659@qtp-14536088-0
>> org.apache.cocoon.sitemap.node.AbstractSitemapNode -
>> GenerateNode(src=generators/{map:1}.xml,
>> type=url).invoke(/generator/languages-in-country/country_id/77/source)
>> 2012-03-23 14:33:30,598 DEBUG 11202659@qtp-14536088-0
>> org.apache.cocoon.pipeline.AbstractPipeline - Adding component
>> XMLGenerator(hashCode=29969233
>> internalGenerator=URLGenerator(hashCode=19145797
>> source=file:/C:/Users/HuttarL/Documents/work/c3/theParent/ethnologue-17-pub/src/main/resources/COB-INF/generators/languages-in-country.xml))
>> to pipeline [CachingPipeline(hashCode=7335482 components=[])].
>> 2012-03-23 14:33:30,598 DEBUG 11202659@qtp-14536088-0
>> org.apache.cocoon.sitemap.node.AbstractSitemapNode -
>> SerializeNode(type=xml).invoke(/generator/languages-in-country/country_id/77/source)
>> 2012-03-23 14:33:30,598 DEBUG 11202659@qtp-14536088-0
>> org.apache.cocoon.pipeline.AbstractPipeline - Adding component
>> XMLSerializer(hashCode=8467590) to pipeline
>> [CachingPipeline(hashCode=7335482
>> components=[XMLGenerator(hashCode=29969233
>> internalGenerator=URLGenerator(hashCode=19145797
>> source=file:/C:/Users/HuttarL/Documents/work/c3/theParent/ethnologue-17-pub/src/main/resources/COB-INF/generators/languages-in-country.xml))])].
>> 2012-03-23 14:33:30,599 INFO  11202659@qtp-14536088-0
>> org.apache.cocoon.servlet.RequestProcessor - Sitemap execution for
>> /generator/languages-in-country/country_id/77/source took 2.818942 ms.
>> 2012-03-23 14:33:30,600 ERROR 11202659@qtp-14536088-0
>> org.apache.cocoon.servlet.XMLSitemapServlet - Cocoon can't process
>> the request.
>> java.lang.NullPointerException: null
>>     at
>> org.apache.cocoon.servlet.collector.ResponseHeaderCollector.isModifiedResponse(ResponseHeaderCollector.java:176)
>> ~[cocoon-servlet-3.0.0-beta-1-SNAPSHOT.jar:3.0.0-beta-1-SNAPSHOT]
>>     at
>> org.apache.cocoon.servlet.RequestProcessor.sendSitemapResponse(RequestProcessor.java:354)
>> ~[cocoon-servlet-3.0.0-beta-1-SNAPSHOT.jar:3.0.0-beta-1-SNAPSHOT]
>>     at
>> org.apache.cocoon.servlet.RequestProcessor.service(RequestProcessor.java:92)
>> ~[cocoon-servlet-3.0.0-beta-1-SNAPSHOT.jar:3.0.0-beta-1-SNAPSHOT]
>>     at
>> org.apache.cocoon.servlet.XMLSitemapServlet.service(XMLSitemapServlet.java:54)
>> ~[cocoon-servlet-3.0.0-beta-1-SNAPSHOT.jar:3.0.0-beta-1-SNAPSHOT]
>>     at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:820)
>> [servlet-api-2.5-20081211.jar:na]
>> Up to the error, everything seems to be going great: the source is
>> expanded to "file:/C:/.../generators/languages-in-country.xml", which
>> is a file that does exist, I double-checked.
>> I also tried using named parameters, following the samples' example:
>> <map:match pattern="generator/{genName}/{paramName}/{value}/source">
>> <map:generate src="generators/{map:genName}.xml" />
>> But the result was the same.
>> So my questions are, (1) How to fix this NPE? but also (2) why do I
>> see an empty HTTP response (status 200 OK) in the browser for certain
>> errors (like this one), instead of an error message in the browser?
>> Some errors do show up in the browser, but not this one.
>> Thanks for any help.
>> Lar 
Francesco Chicchiriccò

Apache Cocoon PMC and Apache Syncope PPMC Member

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