On 06/11/2012 19:11, JeVeoy wrote:
> Dear Experts,
> I love the possibilities Cocoon gives my projects and I don't think I
> will ever want to develop anything without Cocoon.
> But..
> I would really, really, really like to develop web applications
> /without /the Maven Jetty plugin "jetty:run", being dependent on Maven
> for my library and debugging outside my preferred environment.
> My preferred development environment:
> * Apache Cocoon
> * Apache Tomcat
> * MyEclipse
> In a perfect world I would be able to launch the Tomcat server as a
> node from within MyEclipse and be able to debug, deploy etc a
> Cocoon-based application without building etc outside MyEclipse.
> I guess I could run the "dependency:tree" and copy all jars in
> preferred order to a library in a cocoon-project. I could also prepare
> a default Cocoon project for MyEclipse by running "eclipse:myeclipse",
> but I know this wont do the trick..
> Do you have any experience/knowledge on how this can be achieved? Any
> steps I have to take? Any help would really be appreciated.

sorry for late response: I've just returned from ApacheCon EU 2012 and I
am bit late with e-mails :-)

Anyway, you can find an example of "plain" (e.g. without RCL) webapp at
[1]: since it is a demo application of HippoCocoonToolkit (HCT) [2] - an
alternative, Apache Cocoon 3.0 based, toolkit for building web sites
while relying upon Hippo CMS and Repository - you will have to remove
any hct-related file and dependency, but it should be pretty

Please let me now if you are fine with this.


[2] http://tirasa.github.com/HippoCocoonToolkit/

Francesco Chicchiriccò

ASF Member, Apache Cocoon PMC and Apache Syncope PPMC Member

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