On 13/11/2012 16:33, Robby Pelssers wrote:
> Ok..
> I fixed the issue:
>       <map:match equals="aggregation/xinclude-transformer">
>         <map:generate src="aggregation/xinclude.xml" />
>         <map:transform type="xinclude">
>             <map:parameter name="cacheKey" value="{map:0}"/>
>             <map:parameter name="baseUrl" value="file:///c:/tmp/"/>
>             <map:parameter name="test" value="hello world"/>
>         </map:transform>
>         <map:serialize type="xml" />
>       </map:match>
> Works now.
> I committed the fix to Cocoon3 trunk.

Hi Robby,
thank you for taking care of this: just tested your fix and the build
runs fine.

For records, could you please file an issue on JIRA (COCOON3), add your
fix revision number as comment and then close it?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robby Pelssers [mailto:robby.pelss...@nxp.com] 
> Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 2:49 PM
> To: users@cocoon.apache.org
> Subject: RE: XInclude in sitemap.xmap
> Ok... I found the problem.
> Inside org.apache.cocoon.sitemap.node.AbstractSitemapNode the baseUrl is 
> overridden, although it correctly receives the baseUrl.
> invocationParams = {
> baseUrl=file:///c:/tmp/
> cacheKey={map:0}
> test=hello world
> }
> protected InvocationResult invoke(final String src, final String type,  final 
> Invocation invocation) {
>         ....
>         // set the baseUrl  PROBLEMATIC PART
>         invocationParams.put("baseUrl", invocation.resolve(""));
> }
> But before starting making changes... this might need careful attention.
> Robby
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robby Pelssers [mailto:robby.pelss...@nxp.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 2:32 PM
> To: users@cocoon.apache.org
> Subject: RE: XInclude in sitemap.xmap
> I'm debugging your issue and so far I'm pretty bedazzled about what the hell 
> is going on:
>       <map:match equals="aggregation/xinclude-transformer">
>         <map:generate src="aggregation/xinclude.xml" />
>         <map:transform type="xinclude">
>             <map:parameter name="cacheKey" value="{map:0}"/>
>             <map:parameter name="baseUrl" value="file:///c:/tmp/"/>
>             <map:parameter name="test" value="hello world"/>
>         </map:transform>
>         <map:serialize type="xml" />
>       </map:match
> While debugging I see following Configuration -> Map<String, Object>
> baseUrl=file:/C:/workspaces/apache/cocoon/cocoon3/trunk/cocoon-sample/./src/main/resources/COB-INF/
> cacheKey=aggregation/xinclude-transformer
> test=hello world
> Will keep you posted.. Maybe the baseUrl is somewhere overridden while 
> setting up the pipeline? Anyone who can tell this?
> Robby
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mansour Al Akeel [mailto:mansour.alak...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 1:19 PM
> To: users@cocoon.apache.org
> Subject: Re: XInclude in sitemap.xmap
> I can not include all my files, but here's the relevant parts:
>             <map:match pattern="article/{id}.xml">
>               <map:generate 
> src="{global:base.repo.path}/articles/{map:id}/index.xml" />
>               <map:transform type="xinclude" >
>                   <map:parameter name="cacheKey" value="false"/>
>                   <map:parameter name="baseUrl"
> value="file://{global:base.repo.path}/articles/{map:id}/" />
>               </map:transform>
>               <!-- <map:transform src="sheets/html/xslthl.xsl " /> -->
>               <map:serialize type="xml"  />
>             </map:match>
> In my xml file:
>       <programlisting language="c">
>           <xi:include  href="hello.c"  parse="text"
> xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"/>
>       </programlisting>
> In the log I am getting this:
> 12:11:57.039 [btpool0-1] DEBUG o.a.cocoon.pipeline.AbstractPipeline - Going 
> to link the component XMLGenerator(hashCode=1295514377 
> internalGenerator=URLGenerator(hashCode=1212516680
> source=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipeline
> s/repo/articles/example/index.xml)) with
> XIncludeTransformer(hashCode=373437306
> baseUrl=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/contents/./src/main/resources/COB-INF/).
> 12:11:57.039 [btpool0-1] DEBUG o.a.cocoon.pipeline.AbstractPipeline - Going 
> to link the component XIncludeTransformer(hashCode=373437306
> baseUrl=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/contents/./src/main/resources/COB-INF/)
> wi
> th XMLSerializer(hashCode=1413585408).
> 12:11:57.039 [btpool0-1] DEBUG o.a.cocoon.pipeline.CachingPipeline - Creating 
> CompoundCacheKey(hashCode=518365495 key=[]):
> 12:11:57.039 [btpool0-1] DEBUG o.a.cocoon.pipeline.CachingPipeline - ~ adding 
> TimestampCacheKey(hashCode=1975202233
> url=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/repo/articles/example/index.xml
> timestamp=1352808707000 (2012-11-
> 13 12:11:47.0)) for component XMLGenerator(hashCode=1295514377 
> internalGenerator=URLGenerator(hashCode=1212516680
> source=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/repo/articles/example/index.xml))
> 12:11:57.039 [btpool0-1] DEBUG o.a.cocoon.pipeline.CachingPipeline - ~ adding 
> CachedCacheKey(hashCode=1855990413
> internalCacheKey=ObjectCacheKey(hashCode=1421714705 obj=false) 
> cachedCacheKey=URLListCacheKey(hashCode=13584830
> 78 urls=[TimestampCacheKey(hashCode=334463211
> url=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/contents/src/main/resources/COB-INF/hello.c
> timestamp=0 (1970-01-01 00:00:00.0))])) for component
> XIncludeTransformer(hashCode=373437306
> baseUrl=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/contents/./src/main/resources/COB-INF/)
> 12:11:57.039 [btpool0-1] DEBUG o.a.cocoon.pipeline.CachingPipeline - ~ adding 
> ParameterCacheKey(hashCode=1430898616
> parameters={encoding=UTF-8, method=xml}) for component
> XMLSerializer(hashCode=1413585408)
> 12:11:57.040 [btpool0-1] DEBUG o.a.cocoon.pipeline.CachingPipeline - Creating 
>  CompoundCacheKey(hashCode=518365495
> key=[TimestampCacheKey(hashCode=1975202233
> url=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/repo/articles/example/ind
> ex.xml timestamp=1352808707000 (2012-11-13 12:11:47.0)),
> CachedCacheKey(hashCode=1855990413
> internalCacheKey=ObjectCacheKey(hashCode=1421714705 obj=false)
> cachedCacheKey=URLListCacheKey(hashCode=1358483078
> urls=[TimestampCache
> Key(hashCode=334463211
> url=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/contents/src/main/resources/COB-INF/hello.c
> timestamp=0 (1970-01-01 00:00:00.0))])),
> ParameterCacheKey(hashCode=1430898616 parameters={encoding=UTF-8, method=xm
> l})]) for pipeline CachingPipeline(hashCode=839414089
> components=[XMLGenerator(hashCode=1295514377
> internalGenerator=URLGenerator(hashCode=1212516680
> source=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/repo/articles/example/index.xm
> l)), XIncludeTransformer(hashCode=373437306
> baseUrl=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/contents/./src/main/resources/COB-INF/),
> XMLSerializer(hashCode=1413585408)])
> 12:11:57.040 [btpool0-1] DEBUG o.a.cocoon.pipeline.CachingPipeline - Used 
> cache: SimpleCache(hashCode=1672230800) 12:11:57.040 [btpool0-1] DEBUG 
> o.a.cocoon.pipeline.CachingPipeline - No cache value available for 
> CompoundCacheKey(hashCode=518365495
> key=[TimestampCacheKey(hashCode=1975202233
> url=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/repo/a
> rticles/example/index.xml timestamp=1352808707000 (2012-11-13 12:11:47.0)), 
> CachedCacheKey(hashCode=1855990413
> internalCacheKey=ObjectCacheKey(hashCode=1421714705 obj=false)
> cachedCacheKey=URLListCacheKey(hashCode=1358483078 u
> rls=[TimestampCacheKey(hashCode=334463211
> url=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/contents/src/main/resources/COB-INF/hello.c
> timestamp=0 (1970-01-01 00:00:00.0))])),
> ParameterCacheKey(hashCode=1430898616 parameters={encodi ng=UTF-8, 
> method=xml})]) 12:11:57.040 [btpool0-1] DEBUG 
> o.a.cocoon.pipeline.AbstractPipeline - Invoking first component of 
> CachingPipeline(hashCode=839414089
> components=[XMLGenerator(hashCode=1295514377
> internalGenerator=URLGenerator(hashCode=12125166
> 80 
> source=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/repo/articles/example/index.xml)),
> XIncludeTransformer(hashCode=373437306
> baseUrl=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/contents/./src/main/resources/COB-INF/),
> XMLSerializer(hashCode=1413585408)])
> 12:11:57.040 [btpool0-1] DEBUG o.a.c.sax.component.XMLGenerator - Using the 
> URL file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/repo/articles/example/index.xml
> to produce SAX events.
> 12:11:57.040 [btpool0-1] DEBUG o.a.c.jci.stores.MemoryResourceStore - reading 
> resource com/sun/org/apache/xerces/internal/parsers/SAXParser.class
> 12:11:57.041 [btpool0-1] DEBUG o.a.c.jci.stores.MemoryResourceStore - reading 
> resource 
> com/sun/org/apache/xerces/internal/parsers/XIncludeAwareParserConfiguration.class
> 12:11:57.041 [btpool0-1] DEBUG o.a.c.jci.stores.MemoryResourceStore - reading 
> resource com/sun/org/apache/xerces/internal/impl/dv/dtd/DTDDVFactoryImpl.class
> 12:11:57.041 [btpool0-1] DEBUG o.a.c.s.c.XIncludeTransformer - 
> setDocumentLocator called null
> 12:11:57.042 [btpool0-1] DEBUG o.a.c.jci.stores.MemoryResourceStore - reading 
> resource org/apache/xml/serializer/ToXMLStream.class
> 12:11:57.043 [btpool0-1] DEBUG o.a.c.s.c.XIncludeTransformer - Processing 
> XInclude element: href=hello.c, parse=text, xpointer=null, encoding=null, 
> accept=null, acceptLanguage=null
> 12:11:57.043 [btpool0-1] DEBUG o.a.c.s.c.XIncludeTransformer - Including 
> source:
> file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/contents/src/main/resources/COB-INF/hello.c
> 12:11:57.043 [btpool0-1] DEBUG o.a.c.s.c.XIncludeTransformer - Parse type=text
> 12:11:57.045 [btpool0-1] ERROR o.a.c.s.c.XIncludeTransformer - Error 
> including text:
> java.io.FileNotFoundException:
> /home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/contents/src/main/resources/COB-INF/hello.c
> (No such file or directory)
>         at java.io.FileInputStream.open(Native Method) ~[na:1.7.0]
>         at java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(FileInputStream.java:138)
> ~[na:1.7.0]
> Please note the logs where the baseUrl is in the COB-INF directory.
> The base url is set to the same the same directory of the article, but the 
> logs shows it didn't change.
> Thank you
> On Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 2:43 AM, Francesco Chicchiriccò <ilgro...@apache.org> 
> wrote:
>> On 13/11/2012 05:49, Mansour Al Akeel wrote:
>>> I am doing two project.
>>> A personal one with C3.0, and one for a product, and using C2.2.
>>> This issue is happening with C3.0.
>>> I didn't get a chance to test the files you sent me.
>> Ok, take a look there, then: using the XInclude transformer should be 
>> pretty straightforward.
>>> However, from the logs (which are really hard to read), it looks like I am 
>>> having issues with the baseUrl.
>>> I looked into the source, and tried to set baseUrl="full-path-to-my-repo", 
>>> but that didn't work either.
>> Again, please take a look at [1] and [2].
>>> Would be nice to see a document describing the attributes to be set on each 
>>> transformer.
>> XInclude transformer hasn't changed much since C2.1 [3] / C2.2 [4].
>>> A clear error message can be a lot of help as well.
>> Definitely: in your case, though, I suspect that something really 
>> "basic" is getting wrong.
>> Please share your files if you'd like to get more in-depth help.
>> Regards.
>>> On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 2:23 AM, Francesco Chicchiriccň 
>>> <ilgro...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>> On 12/11/2012 07:59, Mansour Al Akeel wrote:
>>>>> Here's what I am doing:
>>>>>      <map:match pattern="article/{id}">
>>>>>               <map:generate 
>>>>> src="{global:base.repo.path}/articles/{map:id}/index.xml" />
>>>>>               <map:transform type="xinclude" />
>>>>>               <map:serialize type="xhtml"  />
>>>>> and this is error:
>>>>> [...]
>>>> Hi,
>>>> did you take a look at sample sitemap.xmap [1] (around line 387) and 
>>>> specifically xinclude.xml [2]?
>>>> BTW: which version are you running? From the reported stacktrace I 
>>>> understand C3, but some of your earlier questions were referring to 
>>>> C2.2....
>>>> Regards.
>>>> [1]
>>>> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cocoon/cocoon3/trunk/cocoon-sample/
>>>> src/main/resources/COB-INF/sitemap.xmap
>>>> [2]
>>>> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cocoon/cocoon3/trunk/cocoon-sample/
>>>> src/main/resources/COB-INF/aggregation/xinclude.xml
>> [3] http://cocoon.apache.org/2.1/userdocs/xinclude-transformer.html
>> [4] http://cocoon.apache.org/2.2/core-modules/core/2.2/985_1_1.html

Francesco Chicchiriccò

ASF Member, Apache Cocoon PMC and Apache Syncope PPMC Member

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