New question:
"A successful action will return the number of rows affected in a
sitemap parameter named row-count."

How to get that parameter in Java. I tried this, nothing.

String rowcount = parameters.getParameter("row-count", null);

Do I have to set it somehow in sitemap like with map:parameter?

- mika -

On Thu, 15 Nov 2012 21:58:19 +0200, Mika M Lehtonen <> wrote:
Answering to my own question,
 Q: "I was just wondering, how would I get some sort of a callback
from e.g. insert/update action in order to tell the user that his/her
data is saved?"
 A: "A successful action will return the number of rows affected in a
sitemap parameter named row-count."

 - mika -

 15.11.2012 2:37, gelo1234 kirjoitti:

 3) I agree, XSP was very flexible and I do miss it in 2.2/3.x
Cocoon. I wonder what kind of limits did you find in XSP ?
 Its pretty straightforward and very general in nature - you can put
any kind of Java and mix&match with XML.
 Its auto-compiled into Java classes so you don't have to "redeploy"
anything, while making quick change to the system.
 It saves us a hell lot of time. Yet, you do have a full insight into
Java class source that was auto-generated from .xsp file.
 Cocoon assists you with exact line number of problematic code while
 You also have full cache support of XSP files and thus blazingly
fast responses!
 I find only advantages and no limits actually, notwithstanding the
model/view/controller "code blending", but its a kind
 of convention that you follow.

 What I dislike in the recent versions of Cocoon is its strict
adherence to Spring framework and/or ORM/Hibernate. If you only use
 as native data format and only need native SQL transactions, why
should you need any ORM ? ORM creates additional overhead
 in the system, another layer of "mapping" between your business
logic and DB, another "impedance mismatch".
 If you really care about the performance, you need to consider very
carefully your persistence logic.
 IMHO, we ought to have the option to use only those parts of API
that we actually need.


2012/11/14 Mika M Lehtonen
 I am using ye old modular database actions which in my opinion is
extremely handy "tool".

 I was just wondering, how would I get some sort of a callback from
e.g. insert/update action in order to tell the user that his/her data
is saved?

 - mika -

 P.S. My two cents for the discussion, "Is Cocoon dead?". I have
build quite a large application with C2.1. I wanted to see, feel what
it is like to use database actions, XSP, CForms and so on. This is
what I observed.
 1) First of all. Developing an app without some sort of an IDE is
pain in the ass. Debugging is almost impossible. No help with your
"code". No nothing.
 2) Modular database actions is something like I said, I like.
 3) XSP is super to some stage. I really like it, if taking its
restrictions into account. Say anything, I still like it.
 4) CForms is a piece of shit hide behind nice curtains. Yeah, I know
this is harsh to say. Still, it is something I banged my head against
the wall all the time.
 5) Jxtemplate and its relatives is hieroglyphic jargon. I wouldn't
recommended them to anyone.
 6) Flowscript. I never realized why.

 But the big question. How to do this all with C3. It's another kind
of framework? Don't even try to do this?

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