Ajax calls use default character encoding defined by HTTP 1.1 spec (which
iso-8859-1, not UTF-8). You have to encode BEFORE sending and decode AFTER
retrieving those strings.
Encode with encodeURIComponent, decode with decodeURIComponent (if


2013/1/14 Peter Sparkes <pe...@didm.co.uk>

>  Hi
> Cocoon 2.11
> I have implemented a multipage CForm which uses Ajax. The form is based on
> the example at
> http://cocoon.zones.apache.org/cocoon21/samples/blocks/forms/do-multipage.flow
> The  form works fine except that it does not save non ascii characters
> correctly eg.
> É €  ç  £
> If I use one very long form without Ajax the above characters are
> correctly saved
> Help please, How can I fix this problem
> Peter

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