Can you provide me with some simple example of that new language
interpreter (module) ? :)


2013/6/20 Thorsten Scherler <>

>  On 06/20/2013 03:02 PM, gelo1234 wrote:
>    I've got Cocoon site that hosts multiple www domains, all based on the
>>> same sitemap.xmap with <map:mount uri-prefix="" src="domain_X"
>>> check-reload="yes"/>
>>> so the configuration is as follows:
>>> <map:pipeline>
>>>               <map:select type="cutomDomainSelector">
>>>                        <map:when test="domainA">
>>>                             <map:mount uri-prefix="" src="./domaina"
>>> check-reload="yes"/>
>>>                        </map:when>
>>>                        <map:when test="domainB">
>>>                              <map:mount uri-prefix="" src="./domainb"
>>> check-reload="yes"/>
>>>                        </map:when>
>>>                </map:select>
>>> </map:pipeline>
>>> Is it still possible with C3 ? Or should I use some separate blocks
>>> config ?
>>> The problem with separate blocks config is that I want to use empty URI
>>> (not different) for each site
>>> So
>>> site1:
>>> site2:
>>> NOT
>>> under one C3 war (sitemap.xmap config).
>>  I'd suggest to empower some reverse proxy in order to make things easier
>> here.
>  Reverse Proxy would give the opposite effect - collecting into one URL
> from multiple domain servers. I would like to have
>  only ONE backend server that serves as the origin for multiple domains.
>  With mod_jk/mod_proxy I can setup multiple workers for each domain but
> where should I point them to serve my clients if having only one backend
> server with C3 ?
>  Lets say I have a separate Cocoon block for each www domain. In C2.1 I
> had a MAIN sitemap.xmap (Controller) that controlled which context to mount
> upon different Hostname requests.
> In C3 the only way I could achieve that is passing through with each
> request INFO about Hostname value. That is not very elegant
>  solution. But I cannot find any other.
>  So either every <map:match ...> would need additional <map:select ...>:
>   <!--  e.g. the main / context -->
>     <map:match pattern="">
>         <map:select value="{jexl:cocoon.request.hostName}">
>           <map:when equals="domainA">
>             <map:generate src="files/domainA/homepage.xml" />
>             <map:transform src="files/xslt/homepage.xslt"/>
>             <map:serialize />
>           </map:when>
>           <map:when equals="domainB">
>             <map:generate src="files/domainB/homepage.xml" />
>             <map:transform src="files/xslt/homepage.xslt"/>
>             <map:serialize />
>           </map:when>
>    </map:match>
>  OR (a little bit more elegant and compact):
> <map:match pattern="">
>             <map:generate
> src="files/{jexl:cocoon:request.hostName}/homepage.xml"/>
>             <map:transform src="files/xslt/homepage.xslt"/>
>             <map:serialize />
>    </map:match>
>  I don't want to handle 100 VMs with C3 app for each www domain. That
> would be very resource-expensive config.
> I would like to have only ONE C3 app for all www domains.
> so why not:
> <map:match pattern="">
>             <map:generate
> src="servlet:{jexl:cocoon:request.hostName}/homepage.xml"/>
>             <map:transform src="files/xslt/homepage.xslt"/>
>             <map:serialize />
>    </map:match>
> Or even simply create a new language interpreter (formally known as
> module) which does the resolving. That has the benefit that you can use
> full blown java and use spring config file to do the mapping or a simple
> properties file.
> salu2
>  Greetings,
> Greg
> --
> Thorsten Scherler <>
> codeBusters S.L. - web based systems
> <consulting, training and solutions>

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