How about a workaround that puts those properties values into XSL params
and transform with standard XSLTransformer not i18nTransformer ?

Where do you need those properties in pipeline ?


2014/1/17 Alberto Brosich <>

> Yes, it's really simple.
> The source file is an xml file with a sqltransformer query. The query is
> simple: just a select to a specific table (or view) with a where condition.
> Then an xsl transformer convert the xml to txt with a pair of key and
> value for every row.
> That's all.
>     <map:pipeline internal-only="true">
>       <map:match pattern="translations_*.properties">
>                 <map:generate type="string-template"
> src="files/dbdata.xml">
>                         <map:parameter name="table" value="messages"/>
>                         <map:parameter name="fields" value="key_value,
> value"/>
>                         <map:parameter name="condition"
> value="lang_id='{map:1}'"/>
>                         <map:parameter name="orderfields" value="1"/>
>                         <map:parameter name="rowcount" value="100000"/>
>                 </map:generate>
>                 <map:transform type="sql">
>                         <map:parameter name="use-connection"
> value="dataSource" />
>                 </map:transform>
>         <map:transform src="stylesheets/sql2properties.xsl"/>
>                 <map:serialize type="txt"/>
>       </map:match>
> This is a snip of the xsl stylesheet:
> <xsl:template match="sql:row">
>         <xsl:text>
> <xsl:value-of select="sql:key_value"/></xsl:text>
>         <xsl:text>=</xsl:text>
>         <xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="sql:value"/></xsl:text>
> </xsl:template>
> Alberto
> On Fri, 2014-01-17 at 15:30 +0100, gelo1234 wrote:
> > Can you show here your full original Cocoon pipeline ? Do you store
> > property files content or property filenames inside db ?
> >
> >
> > Greetings,
> > Greg
> >
> >
> >
> > 2014/1/17 Alberto Brosich <>
> >
> >         Hi,
> >
> >         I'm migrating a 2.1 cocoon application to 3.0, using
> >         beta1-SNAPSHOT
> >         because I need the sql transformer.
> >         As I wrote in the subject, I'm need to specify an internal
> >         pipeline as
> >         bundle for the i18n transformer, because the properties file
> >         has to be
> >         derived from database. Using a plain file it works.
> >         I tried several urls using "servlet:" protocol, but without
> >         success.
> >
> >         I have the following internal pipeline:
> >         <map:match pattern="translations_*.properties">
> >
> >         and I tried several bundles urls like:
> >         <map:parameter name="bundle" value="servlet:/translations" />
> >         or
> >         <map:parameter name="bundle"
> >
> value="servlet:/translations_{jexl:cocoon.request.lang}.properties" />
> >
> >         The exception is:
> >         org.apache.cocoon.pipeline.SetupException:
> >         java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle for base
> >         name
> >         servlet:/translations, locale en
> >
> >         What I doing wrong?
> >
> >         Best regards
> >
> >         Alberto
> >
> >
> >
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