--- walt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Danial Thom wrote:
> > 
> > --- Simon 'corecode' Schubert
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> >> David wrote:
> >>> So. What are those of us with Nvidia cards
> to
> >> do?...
> > I wonder if the open source weenies will ever
> > figure it out? 
> > They made a business decision that they have
> more
> > to lose by opening their interface to cloners
> > then they have to gain by releasing source
> and
> > interface specs. Its not really that
> complicated.
> That seems a realistic assessment to me.
> However:  what happens when hardware
> manufactures
> like Nvidia are no longer subsidized by
> monopolists
> like MicroSoft?  (No, not this year, or even
> next
> year ;o)
> Operating systems *will* become commodities in
> the
> fairly near future, just like memory chips,
> disk
> drives, and even CPU's.

No they won't, because operating systems are not
even close to being generic performers, and each
has a focus that appeals to different market


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