walt wrote:
Tomaž Borštnar wrote:
Or should I go with FreeBSD?

It all depends on which one do you know how to administer. Both will work.

Heh.  I'm an amateur so I'm incompetent on both systems ;o)

Seriously, is there much difference from a professional sysadmin's
perspective?  Can you give some examples, perhaps, of where the
admin would notice a big difference between DragonFly and FreeBSD?


The only thing I worry about is how SA are handled, till so far DF has done this very well. So assuming that the functionality you require for your services is indeed available on your favorite OS and you have included system maintenance of that OS in your security procedures, the only thing that holds you back is corporate policies and cost/value balance in comparison to other systems.

For me it was easier to maintain my production servers on FreeBSD because I already had that and it's easier for me to have an homogeneous approach to my network, I have one dedicated server doing port and system builds so the binaries can be dropped in my test environment (1 or 2 virtual servers, depending on the test) and if Ok onto the production machines.

The funny thing is that I tend to favor DF for my personal projects, except for my notebook, which dualboots XP and FBSD6 (I require WAP for my WiFi). Somehow DF feels more stable but that could be imaginary because FreeBSD hasn't gave me much trouble either.

In short if somebody is willing to setup a maintenance system and procedures for a certain OS and all required application run on that OS, then there is no technical reason why this shouldn't be DragonFlyBSD.

Of course migrating to another platform requires extensive testing of all required applications, which could hold you back because it's more effort then it's worth, but if you have to migrate anyway (i.e. FreeBSD 4 to 6) then you could consider other platforms too.

Personally my production network ( 7 FreeBSD servers, 6 virtual on MS VirtualServer and 1 on the machine direct which is a jail host server) and test network (3 FreeBBSD's, 1 DragonFlyBSD all on VMWare <Debian Linux>) will not migrate very soon to DF, I tried to migrate my mail server but DF didn't run very well under the MS Virtual Server, it also was about the same time the migration to pkgsrc was done so I passed that round.

However Matt's plan to incorporate ZFS will be a major point to reconsider my networks architecture, thats why I keep a close eye on this project, too bad I always need some MS Servers for most of my user applications. But I think over time (when AMD releases their virtualization solution) I will have a couple of NetBSD/xen servers doing my windows servers and the rest on DF.

Time will tell.


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