Joseph Garcia wrote:
 > It connects and I can log in and enter commands. The problem pops up 
 > when receiving a lot of data quickly from the device (i.e. when I'm 
 > writing the configuration to the terminal).

Maybe I'm completely missing the point here, but your
description sounds like it could be a problem with
flow control or handshaking.  Dit you try to enable
it on your serial port?  stty(1) has several options
for that (note that you must apply them to the lock-
state device or initial-state device, otherwise they
might be reset on the next open of the actual device;
see sio(4) for details).

Just an idea.  Sorry if the problem is somewhere else.

Best regards

Oliver Fromme,  secnetix GmbH & Co. KG, Marktplatz 29, 85567 Grafing
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