On 2006-10-24 20:33, Simon 'corecode' Schubert wrote:
Erik Wikström wrote:
Also, if you know some clever way of reducing the line-length (currently getting 150-160 chars/line at 1280x1024) that would be nice. I said clever since it's just as bad if those with low resolution or larger text-size get only 30-40 characters per line. Anyway, it's not very important but it would be nice.

and what do you intend to do with the remaining (white) space? the
correct "fix" would be for you to use a smaller browser window which
suits with your default font size/preferred line length.

And resize the browser-windows whenever I change page?

Unfortunately as the resolution increases the with of pages does too (if the browser- window is kept at the same size) but making the text-lines longer also makes it harder to read, so it's often better to just leave some of the space unused. Who came up with the idea of widescreen anyway? Tallscreen would have been much more usefull.

Erik Wikström

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