On Fri, 08 Dec 2006 00:43:50 -0500, Jeremy C. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Thu, 7 Dec 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm trying to make some code changes in the i810 X server version 6.9.0nb13
because of breakage.  I'm trying to find the best/fastest way to:

I'd suggest you work against Xorg's official release. The monolithic 6.9
series is not maintained upstream.

I think the code you need is Xorg's driver/xf86-video-intel (by the way
Intel is really supporting this as "open source" :)

There is some work on modualr Xorg in pkgsrc. I use it myself (and have
for a  very long time). I have committed a few things for DragonFly to
Xorg source.

I can help you with creating a xf86-video-intel package.

I think it would be better to test against supported code versus trying to
patch old obsolete and unmaintained code.

Hope you get this fake@

Thanks. I think I'll cut my teeth on 6.9.0 first like Joerg suggested. But, I'm curious about how to create the modular version. Could you point me in the right direction towards some documentation?

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