Matthew Dillon wrote:
    Well, I'll give you my 5-second opinion.


        * Our interrupt routing subsystem really needs a major upgrade.
          (i.e. a major port from FreeBSD).

Given that theirs has choked several times on some fairly common hardware that DID work thru 6.2 RELEASE, that would not necessarily be the first or best place to look.

    Where I think the future is:

        * SMP, Storage, and SSI.  Real time mirroring at the logical level.
          HAMMER is a major component for the storage, SSI, and mirroring
          components, and I believe HAMMER will be a large interest magnet.

        Our project goals have not changed, but if I had it all to do over
        again I would have started work on HAMMER much earlier then I did.

        I spent more time then I should have perfecting the low level
        infrastructure, trying to build a base upon which all the other
        work could occur.


It may seem so in the rear-view mirror, but had you NOT done the low-level infrastructure, AND the 2+ year code-clean-up of what was adapted from Free (and other) BSD, nothing else would be working as well as it does.

That was time that pays back with long-running and ongoing dividends.



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