2008/3/3 Colin Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On 02/03/2008, Matthew Dillon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  >
>  >  :Gestalt is now available for DragonFly from:
>  >
> >     Very interesting!  Have you considered creating a pkgsrc package
>  >     for it?  That would integrate it into the package framework for
>  >     several BSDs (including DragonFly).
>  I briefly thought about it.
>  To compile from source requires two other libraries - one of which
>  would mean a snapshot from subversion, the other needs an alpha test
>  version plus 3 patches. So for now, no. Later perhaps.

The other thing is, it is extremely tedious to have to package source
code in a large number of different formats, depending upon the
operating system. It would be really nice if an XML standard for
software packaging could be agreed upon. Then all a maintainer would
have to do is write the package content descriptor XML file once, and
run the packer command for the specific operating system.

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