Im looking for some suggestions about how to keep a backup in a remote
(shared) PC.
I got 20GB of srcs and images in my pc (PCBSD) and i got access to
100GB in a shared DFBSD2.2 server (all hammerFS).
I want to use the server to keep a backup of my files in a remote
location (in a daily basis)
I dont mind if other users can see the name of the files, but i will
like to keep the contents private and be spacewise.
My first attemp was create an asymetric key pair, copy the full tree
to a temp location, crypt every file in the second tree and rsync the
content to server, after that if i need to restore the info in another
pc, i download in a temp tree, then decrypt and copy to the real
I know there should be a easier way.
Thanks for any suggestion.

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