On Thu, May 7, 2009 2:20 pm, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:
>> However, pkg_dry is a "normal" software application, and I suspect will
>> turn into a pkgsrc package quickly.  If that's the case, we could just
>> install it along with other packages as part of the installer.  Keeping
>> it
>> in a /usr/src/ dir could cause some minor headaches in terms of updating
>> it, so pushing it into pkgsrc solves that nicely.
> Yes, it will soon be in pkgsrc.

Yay!  This solves several issues for us - a decent binary install tool for
packages, plus it removes maintenance from DragonFly and moves it over all
the pkgsrc-supported platforms.  This way, we don't have to worry about
updating or improving pkg_radd; just about supporting pkg_dry.

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