Siju George wrote:
> What should I do to update pkg_install?

Starting from 2009Q1 (AFAIR) pkg_add updates packages inplace. This with 
combination of DESTDIR support makes this procedure possible:

cd /usr/src/pkgtools/pkg_install/
bmake USE_DESTDIR=yes package
pkg_add -u /usr/src/packages/pkg_install-[DATE].tgz

The same procedure works with bootstrap-mk-files and bmake packages.

And one more small related hint ... Note, that pkg_add rejects update 
attempt to the same version already installed. I often screw up some of 
my packages during development and would like to reinstall it from known 
good package. Then this procedure works:

pkg_delete -f <package>
pkg_add package.tgz
pkg_admin rebuild-tree

Hasso Tepper

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