I'm going to have a go at this when GHC 6.12.1 is released (32-bit
DragonFly). It looks very intimidating, as I don't know x86 assembler,
nor DragonFly internals, but I dare say I can shrug off 15 years of
not doing anything so low-level, and get to grips with it.

2009/5/23 G.Isenmann <i...@goetz-isenmann.de>:
> On Sat, 16 May 2009 19:09:06 +0100
> Colin Adams <colinpaulad...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> I think someone was making an attempt to port ghc (Glasgow Haskell
>> Compiler) to DragonFly. Has this been succesfull?
> Neither lang/ghc (6.8.3) nor wip/ghc (6.10.1) build without changes.
> I started with wip/ghc and made the build process believe that the
> build was on and for freebsd4. That gave me something good enought as a
> bootstrap compiler. Wasn't able to build a ghc package, and while
> building some packages with cabal I got error messages like "not
> possible with a stage 1 compiler".
> Next I used this compiler (without pkgsrc and netbsd bootstrap
> compiler) to build the next version. This time I checked the sources
> for anything freebsd specific and modified those places to do the
> same for dragonfly.
> There is at least one open problem with rts/Linker.c
> http://leaf.dragonflybsd.org/mailarchive/users/2009-04/msg00030.html
> This prevents the use of ghci and the build of e.g. yi.
> Not much done since. At the moment I am happy with a working darcs and
> xmonad. I have looked a few times into the binutils and ghc sources,
> but still do not understand much about this (tls) stuff.
> --
> Goetz

Colin Adams

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