On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 05:58:45PM +0300, Alexander Polakov wrote:
>  I think we can safely replace nvi with traditional vi [1]. 
>  vi supports UTF-8 and then we could use UTF-8 locale
>  systemwide. nvi is old and unmaintained, but supports
>  more configuration options, while vi is much simpler.
>  Anyway, if you want a really powerful text editor it
>  would be vim or emacs.
>  Do you use feature nvi provides? Would you suffer if it's
>  replaced with a smaller vi?
>  [1] http://ex-vi.sourceforge.net/

        The above link says "multiple screens" are a fancy feature and
not supported.  Having a vi that can do split screen is essential AFAIC.

        Oh yeh, and BTW emacs sucks.


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