On Sun, May 29, 2011 at 12:54 PM, Francois Tigeot <ftig...@wolfpond.org> wrote:
>> ad8: TIMEOUT - READ_DMA48 retrying (1 retry left) LBA=809594688
>> ad8: FAILURE - READ_DMA48 status=51<READY,DSC,ERROR>
>> error=10<NID_NOT_FOUND> LBA=809594688
> Your hard-disk may be dying or you may have a problem with the cable/the
> controller.
> What sort of disk is this ? If it's an old IDE model, is your ribbon cable
> a 80-wire one ?
> It may be worth it to change it. You may also want to reduce DMA speed as
> a workaround (you should be able to do it from the BIOS).

Thanks  a lot Francois for the reply :-)

This error appears only some times.
I refitted the cables of all hard disks once again and this error does
not seem to occor for some time.

The Disk is SATA

disk scheduler: set policy of ad8 to noop
ad8: 476940MB <Seagate ST3500418AS CC38> at ata4-master SATA150
disk scheduler: set policy of ad8 to noop
ad8: 476940MB <Seagate ST3500418AS CC38> at ata4-master SATA150

What should I do to find out if the disk is working right?
Is a

# smartctl -t long /dev/ad8


Also will this type of error affect the Integrity of hammer File System?
Should I do some thing to Check the integrity of the file system ?
 My versions are

dfly-bkpsrv# hammer version /Backup3
min=1 wip=none max=6 current=4 description="New undo/flush, faster
flush/sync (DragonFly 2.5+)"
available versions:

I plan to upgrade to hammer v6 soon.

Kernel is DragonFly v2.11.0.247.gda17d9-DEVELOPMENT #36: Mon May 23
12:57:37 IST 2011

Also How do I map ad8 etc to their sernos?

The answer i got from this list earlier was to ls /dev/ and /dev/serno
and match according to the order found there

it was ok before there was ad10. Now ad10 shows up first even before
ad4. so I am a bit confused.

dfly-bkpsrv# cd /dev/
dfly-bkpsrv# ls
acd0            ad4s1g          ad8s1           consolectl      kmem
         psm0            ttyd0           ttyv9           udev
acpi            ad4s1h          ad8s1d          crypto          log
         ptmx            ttyid0          ttyva           urandom
ad10            ad6             apm             cuaa0           lpt0
         pts             ttyld0          ttyvb           usb
ad10s1          ad6s1           ata             cuaia0
lpt0.ctl        random          ttyv0           ttyvc           usb0
ad10s1d         ad6s1a          bpf             cuala0          md0
         serno           ttyv1           ttyvd           usb1
ad4             ad6s1b          bpf0            devctl          md0s0
         sg0             ttyv2           ttyve           usb2
ad4s1           ad6s1d          bpf1            devfs           mem
         sga             ttyv3           ttyvf           xpt0
ad4s1a          ad6s1e          bpf2            fd              null
         stderr          ttyv4           tun             zero
ad4s1b          ad6s1f          bpf3            io
part-by-uuid    stdin           ttyv5           tun0
ad4s1d          ad6s1g          bpsm0           kbd0            pass0
         stdout          ttyv6           tun1
ad4s1e          ad6s1h          cd0             kbd1            pci
         sysmouse        ttyv7           tun2
ad4s1f          ad8             console         klog            ppi0
         tty             ttyv8           tun3
dfly-bkpsrv# cd /dev/serno/
dfly-bkpsrv# ls
9QMAS4SZ        9QMAS4SZ.s1b    9QMAS4SZ.s1f    9QMATBHX
9QMATBHX.s1b    9QMATBHX.s1f    9VMRFDSY        9VMRG202
9QMAS4SZ.s1     9QMAS4SZ.s1d    9QMAS4SZ.s1g    9QMATBHX.s1
9QMATBHX.s1d    9QMATBHX.s1g    9VMRFDSY.s1     9VMRG202.s1
9QMAS4SZ.s1a    9QMAS4SZ.s1e    9QMAS4SZ.s1h    9QMATBHX.s1a
9QMATBHX.s1e    9QMATBHX.s1h    9VMRFDSY.s1d    9VMRG202.s1d



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