On 5/19/2012 17:13, Justin Sherrill wrote:
On Sat, May 19, 2012 at 8:29 AM, John Marino<dragonfly...@marino.st>  wrote:

Personally I disagree with this philosophy.  Pkgsrc packages should be
buildable by anyone as a minimum requirement for being a package, and if
this capability is lost, I believe the package should be removed from pkgsrc
once it's clear the capability will never be regained.

Along the same vein, there are some packages that depend on sources that one
has to purchase.  I wouldn't be shocked if all of these only worked for
NetBSD only.

Syntactically, it bugs me, because NOT-FOR-PLATFORM usually indicates
there's something wrong that keeps it from building on a given
platform, and what this really is should be
PROBABLY-WILL-NEVER-BUILD-ANYWAY.  It's a fix that adds noise to the

However, I'm complaining about form, not purpose, so my complaint is irrelevant.

It's the best compromise.
NOT-FOR-PLATFORM builds won't even be attempted.
These packages don't need to attempt to fetch every bulk pass and show as an error in the report.

So it's actually the opposite of noise - it suppresses known issues. I'm not concerned with "muddying" up Makefiles on these packages. It's a standard line and I've commented WHY it exists with a link to this archive in every Makefile.


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