On 20 June 2012 19:24, Antonio Huete Jiménez <ahuete.de...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Raimundo,


> Do you think it is possible to try the copy using an internal HDD? So that
> we can discard any USB issue.

Maybe... there is a way to format a NTFS partition under dfly? Could test
from the free space in my system disk, a old 160GB Samsung.

> Also which program are you using to do the copy? Have you tried
> cpdup/rsync? Is there a consistency in the size of the files (ie. mp3s,
> movies) or is it completely random?

It is all kind of files: pdfs, git repos, mp3, flac, avi (various codecs),
and so on. All the tests with rsync installed with pkgin.

> I would like to try to reproduce it myself to see if I can track it down.
> Otherwise, it would be quite hard to find it.

I do not think it is so hard:

. external disk with NTFS
. try to copy a very large number of files

But I will try to isolete a bit more the problem.


Raimundo A. P. Santos
Bacharelando em Informática

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