On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 05:21:16PM +0100, Alex Hornung wrote:
> Hi,
> On 21/06/12 17:07, codeb...@inbox.lv wrote:
> > But a month or so ago the news server stopped responding. Trying again today
> > it appears still offline. Does anybody know/care about this? I would prefer
> > to use the nntp interface rather than the mailing lists if possible. Thanks.
> nntp service was indeed decommissioned - there was an email on 11/01/12
> to users@ by Matt.

Was that before or after the nntp server went offline ;-) Because I missed

> You are definitely not alone in preferring nntp access to the mailing
> lists, and there was some activity to get them up and running a few
> months ago, but nothing has come of it.

Thanks for the info. I'll follow on the archive site then and hope the news
server access will be reestablished.

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