On 02/07/12 02:47, Jasse Jansson wrote:
> On Jul 1, 2012, at 3:07 PM, Sascha Wildner wrote:
>> On Sun, 01 Jul 2012 12:58:55 +0200, Jasse Jansson <ja...@yberwaffe.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> I'm trying to install dfly on two different computers right now and it's 
>>> not going well.
>>> Case 1:
>>> A 6-7 years old laptop (ASUS A6Km) just got an "Fatal trap 12" after a very 
>>> long time exercising the cd drive.
>>> I think the install-o-meter was at 56% when it happened.
>>> The "fault code" says: supervisor write data, protection violation.
>>> I have a picture of the screen if anybody want it.
>> Yeah, please put up the picture.
> Pix here:         www.yberwaffe.com/pix/temp/dfly-fatal-trap.JPG
> I have tried to install Vector Linux a couple times and the install hangs at 
> random locations.
I'm on an old Pentium 4 and had no problems in stalling Vector Linux on
that or on an old nx6120 Compaq.
Their install is more complete and bug free than most.
That sounds more like a hardware problem.
> I have started to suspect overheating problems.
> I just removed the lid over the CPU and almost burnt myself.
That definitely sounds like a hardware problem that would stop an install.

> Well, I haven't been using this laptop for almost a year so the CPU fan might 
> goofing up.
> I'm still interested in hearing the result of the pix analyzing ;-)
>>> Case 2:
>>> I'm about to redo my server but the installer refuses to list my SSD boot 
>>> drive.
>>> Is this some sort of silent harassment of my 40G SSD for being too small ???
>> No, the installer will offer any disks that are in the kern.disks sysctl (I 
>> think we filter out some stuff like /dev/fd* and so on but certainly not 
>> hard disks). Can you log in as root and do 'sysctl kern.disks'? If it 
>> doesn't show up there it's not an installer problem but rather that the disk 
>> hasn't been detected.
>> Can you also put up the /var/run/dmesg.boot of a verbose boot somewhere?
> Verbose log here:            www.yberwaffe.com/pix/temp/dmesg.txt
> The SSD is an OCZ Agility 2 if that helps.
> This is no big deal for me, I think I have a spare SATA disk somewhere so 
> I'll manage.
> NOTE...  I'm a *nix noob with better things to do all day than learning *nix 
> commands, but if you need help debugging this I'll be happy to help out.

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