On 2 September 2012 13:27, s...@bestmx.ru <s...@bestmx.ru> wrote:
> hi again
> i have some progress here and the next question arises:
> is there any detailed manual on nullfs and/or stackable filesystems...
> with function specifications, flowcharts etc...
> ...or at least proper keywords for google.

I do not use it so often as I wish, but the book about Design and
Implementation of FreeBSD, by McKusick, could tell you something. And
a very proper keyword is: VFS - standing for: Virtual File System.

I am in the long path of learning this things by trying to fix a
little but annoyng bug in the NTFS driver. A very nice correction was
made by tuxillo for a much more large problem, and efforts was made to
mitigate locking problems (you can see that with the git log, a friend
of a developer!), but a problem persists: when a try to copy a large
file (above 2GB), cp says back to me 'Argument list too long' and
'ntfs_strategy: ntfs_readattr failed' apears a lot in

Trying to figure out what is going on, I am now stuck at my absence of
knowledge about how buffering and Virtual Memory works in
DragonFlyBSD. Just looking at the OS description we can see that it
has crucial differences compared to FreeBSD, but the ideas behind, at
a very general speech, are the same: resource management.

Another nice reference is the Andrew Tanenbaum book, Modern Operating
Systems, where he presents and discuss a lot about this very general

Hope it helps!

Raimundo A. P. Santos
Bacharelando em Informática

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