I meant -- the WSDL you posted contains a wsdl:import element (see
below) which imports the content of a second WSDL. Can you also post
this second WSDL -- the one provided by the URL in the snippet below
-- as this probably contains your actual schema definitions. Then we
can try to work out why schema validation hasn't worked.


2009/1/8 Andrew Clegg <andrew.cl...@gmail.com>:
> 2009/1/8 tremek <rafal....@biatel.com.pl>:
>>  <wsdl:import
>> location="http://localhost:8080/CxfTestTwo/Test?wsdl=Test.wsdl";
>> namespace="http://service/";>
>>    </wsdl:import>
> And this one as well please! There's no schema definitions in the outer one.
> Andrew.

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