
I'm trying to get a CXF project built on Linux JDK 6 to compile on OS
X Tiger under SoyLatte (a port of BSD Java 6).

It's almost all gone pretty seamlessly, but in the service
implementation classes generated by the Maven wsdl2java goal have a
problem with one of the getPort methods:

    @WebEndpoint(name = "CodaCathPort")
    public CodaCathPortType getCodaCathPort(WebServiceFeature... features) {
        return super.getPort(CodaCathPort, CodaCathPortType.class, features);

The method getPort(QName, Class<T>) in the type Service is not
applicable for the arguments (QName, Class<CodaCathPortType>,

The problem is that SoyLatte's version of javax.xml.ws.Service doesn't
seem to have this method, just the Class and QName, Class versions of
getPort, like in Java 5.

Has anyone encountered this problem before? I tried to work around it
by manually adding the JAX-WS API 2.0 jar to my Maven dependencies,
but this didn't make a difference. Is there a way to make the compiler
use the version of Service from the API jar, or alternatively, to tell
CXF to omit this method (I don't use it anywhere)?

I can work around it for now by editing the generated class files, but
if anyone has a better idea, I'd appreciate it!



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