I'm not sure about some of your questions as I've only worked in
WSDL-first SOAP services. I'm sure others can help with these though.

2009/8/13 Live Nono <liven...@gmail.com>:

> - feeding the service with my own Guice managed objects

Yes. There's no direct integration (CXF uses Spring for DI, not
Guice), but you can create an Injector in your service implementation
object's constructor and then do an injectMembers( this ) or whatever
to bring up the rest of your object graph.

Or you could try it via the Spring/Guice integration approach:


> - making it available through my own web application (namely a wicket one)

Not sure what you mean here -- do you want a single web app to contain
wicket stuff and CXF stuff? It's probably more flexible to build them
into separate WARs that you can deploy alongside each other. But it
may be possible to do this (anyone?).

> - integration with maven and m2eclipse

Yes, this works very well.

> (ability to launch my web
> service as a Java embedded app from eclipse would be a bonus)

Umm, not sure...


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