Here's an update:

*         Using a separate client app I confirmed that Op2 on its own will work 
with the custom header. Problems come up when it's after another call on the 
same proxy object.

*         Creating a new proxy object between calls fixes the problem. CXF 
seems to be caching stuff between calls when there are extra HTTP headers.

o   Creating new proxies makes this work with our tunnel server too (which 
needs the custom header).

*         CXF 2.5.0 and 2.5.1 behave the same

Before I enter a defect against CXF, I guess I'd like someone to confirm the 
way I'm using CXF is correct, make sure it's not user error.
Thanks, Mike

From: Mike Hurley []
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 11:19 AM
Subject: Adding custom HTTP header to SOAP request causes bad SOAPAction to be 

I am trying to consume a SOAP webservice with CXF served by .NET WCF. I used 
wsimport to create the Java client objects.
We have a custom http tunnel that routes based on info in an extra http header 
field. When trying to use the tunnel I was getting errors from WCF (so I know 
the header is added ok). I took the tunnel out of the picture and passed a 
dummy ID via a direct connection and there is still the same error. When I 
remove the dummy ID from the header everything works as I expect (via the 
direct connection).

Here's how I'm creating my proxy object:
JaxWsProxyFactoryBean factory = new JaxWsProxyFactoryBean();
IMikesService proxy = (IMikesService)factory.create();

Here's how I'm adding the extra header field:
BindingProvider bp = (BindingProvider)proxy;
Map<String, List<String>> headers = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
headers.put("MikesCustomHeader", Arrays.asList("myValue"));
bp.getRequestContext().put(Message.PROTOCOL_HEADERS, headers);

(For the following I exclude the namespaces found in the Soap XML payload for 
With the extra header, the SOAP action header field doesn't match the SOAP 
message payload. For example, the SOAP action may be for Op1 but the SOAP body 
has a <Op2/> element. I know this after snooping in with Wireshark. If I don't 
pass the extra header, everything lines up ok and the SOAP request works.

It's worth noting that the way this webservice is used that Op1 is called 
before Op2 fails on the same proxy object. I have not yet made a test app to 
test this tunnel stuff with different SOAP methods on their own. That is one of 
my next steps.

Am I missing anything? Is this a known issue?
I found something about needing to use multi value map objects for custom 
headers but that supposedly was fixed in the 2.3 or 2.4 series. Plus I know it 
was getting through our tunnel since I got WCF SOAP parsing errors back (the 
tunnel server does not expose the service on its own, just handles routing).

I'm using CXF 2.5.0 and as I wrote this I saw there's a 2.5.1 out. I didn't see 
anything relevant in the release notes, but that's something else I'll try.


Mike Hurley
Software Engineer<><>

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