Np. hope that code I added will work from the 1st attempt :-), I did not want to introduce a strong dep on the CXF JAX-RS client code, so resorted to writing some HttpUrlConnection code which is tricky to do right...

Cheers, Sergey
On 06/09/17 16:32, Shan Syed wrote:
amazing, thank you

On Friday, September 1, 2017, Sergey Beryozkin <> wrote:

I've created this issue:

but will likely have no time to complete it early next week,

but at least it will be tracked

Cheers, Sergey
On 25/08/17 15:14, Sergey Beryozkin wrote:

I see, makes sense to add a new switch

On 25/08/17 14:52, Shan Syed wrote:

I don't have explicit access to the header via the command line
nor the maven plugin

On Fri, Aug 25, 2017 at 6:24 AM, Sergey Beryozkin <>


Why can't they be sent as the header ? Otherwise I guess one needs to
configure the HTTP container somehow for the name and password be
out of URI and matched against the BasicAuth module...


On 25/08/17 01:10, Shan Syed wrote:

Hey there,

I need to generate client code for a WADL, hosted on a remote server I
don't control.
The WADL has very deep includes, that reference other xml files hosted
the same server.
Downloading them all isn't practical, because it's a very deep

The WADL is also served off of a webserver that asserts basic auth.

I'm trying both the cxf wadl2java download, and the maven plugin;
seem to work when I provide basic auth details like this:

A 401 error is returned, and the basic auth parameters aren't sent to
server this way.

Is there a way to specify user/password for basic auth on a remote


Sergey Beryozkin

Talend Community Coders

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