You should be able to replace it:


You'd likely need to say that {someNs}modifiedBy has to be replaced by {someNs}modifiedBy

HTH, Sergey
On 29/11/17 09:22, Marcel Stör wrote:
We're consuming SOAP messages for which the string type was extended or
redefined (see at the bottom). To denote null/empty values the XML
element uses "VEMPTY" as text content.

Example: <ns2:modifiedBy>VEMPTY</ns2:modifiedBy>

Before the message is deserialized and mapped to the Java model we'd
like to transform "VEMPTY" to "". As this special text content can
appear in arbitrary elements I don't think the standard
TransformationFeature as per
is applicable. Correct?

I suspect we need to use the XSLT transformation, right?

<xsd:simpleType name="StringType">
         <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
             ...some documentation...
             VEMPTY if effective value is null
             ...some more documentation...
     <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string"/>

<xsd:element name="modifiedBy" type="st:StringType">

Sergey Beryozkin

Talend Community Coders

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