Hi Colm,

I think this is very legitimate query. At some point JAX-RS 2.1 API dropped NIO 
support and the dependecy on Servlet 3.1 API as well, right before 
releasing the spec (commit reference 
We could try to make 3.0 the base line (right now it is 3.1) and see if it 
breaks something else besides NIO part. What do you think?

Best Regards,
    Andriy Redko

COh> Hi Andriy,

COh> What do you think of this query?

COh> Thanks,

COh> Colm.

COh> On Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 1:18 PM, Thibaut Robert <thibaut.rob...@gmail.com> 

COh> Hi,

COh>  When deploying cxf 3.2 on tomcat 7, it breaks because of a hard dependency
COh>  on Servlet 3.1 classes in Servlet3ContinuationProvider
COh>  (javax.servlet.WriteListener), which results in ClassNotFound at runtime.

COh>  Is it expected behavior, or should there be a check for servlet 3.1
COh>  availability like there is for servlet 3 ?

COh>  Note this was introduced by [CXF-6882] Initial JAX-RS NIO Write support.

COh>  Regards,
COh>  Thibaut

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